Flying in 4
legged dreams
Dreaming about a dog?
Dreaming about
Revivolution Dogs is driven by a clearly defined vision it has set for itself – to enable every person in the US to have the dog he or she dreamed about. To add a dog to the family is not like buying a new product, as each product could be exchanged for another product after a time. When we think about buying a pet, we are essentially thinking about expanding the family. With us, you can fly your dream into the US and know with certainty that it will get to you with personal accompaniment, professionalism, and empathy. He will wag his tail when he sees you and will live up to all your expectations. The close accompaniment and empathy we give our customers continue afterwards as well, as we care about the dog’s training as well as its welfare and yours. We invite you to read what our customers say about us:

Importing a dog from abroad and flying it to the US
Importing a dog from
abroad and flying
it to the
First, it is important to straighten things out: every dog is unique, just as we humans are. Moreover, the uniqueness is in the eyes of the beholder. So, the puppy we are flying into the US is unique in the eyes of its new owners and fulfils all the characteristics our client set out as requirements at the consultation stage. For example: all aspects of how the puppy looks (eye color, fur, special markings etc.), hypoallergenic (does not shed fur), a suitable character, energetic, calm, strong, impressive and a whole range of other parameters a customer describe, and we act accordingly. Each of our customers is considered a VIP, and therefore the service is provided accordingly. Aside from choosing the puppy of your dreams, you don’t need to do anything else!
Why should you fly in with us?
Safe purchase
A safe purchase is ensured by 3 main elements:
Full compatibility between the character of the puppy and its owners.
Safe transport – experience in importing dogs to the US.
Dealing with the authorities in the US and the country of origin.
The customer is central
Everybody says they provide a personal service, but I really mean it. I accompany my customers personally from the first moment until the unification of the puppy with its happy owners.
A wealth of experience
After countless flights in over the years, and work with the leading kennels in the world, I have accumulated knowledge and a deep understanding of the different breeds, excellent relations and a wealth of experience that is the foundation of confidence for my clients.
What the customers say!